Monday, December 8, 2008

To most people.. it might have seemed like nothing had changed .. but... it had a little.. story dosen't end here its about the day we realize its all about admitting we are not heroic.. when we have always thought of being heroic of all...

In order to be successful in life.... we have to accept the fact that everything around us changes..... all the time...... Once you have reached the point where you can accept......

it is time to adapt to the world around you. You only have control over your own mind..... and for some of us...... that’s debatable.....

I strongly believe that the relationship you have with yourself impacts greatly on the relations you are able to form with others

There is no need to fear change. Change is good! As I look back at my life I have made the greatest accomplishments when a change has occured in my life.

Although at the time I may have felt that it was the end of the world, I realized later that the change was for a reason and if I hadn't accepted the change I may not be where I am today.

If you are going through some sort of change right now take some time to think what is the lesson here and how can I make this a change for the better.

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