Monday, December 8, 2008

Feeling Alone..........

I think one of the most universal experience is feeling alone.. you'd never know it, but there must likely tomes of people feeling the exact same way....may be... because you've feeling completely abandoned ... maybe you realize that you are not as self sufficient as you thought.. may be because you know you should have handled something differently or maybe because you aren't as good as you thought were.Either way when you hit that low point, you have a choice you can either wallow in self-pity or you can suck it up ... Its your call......................

1 comment:

toothpaste4dinnr said...

My way of combating stress, boredom and loneliness is very straightforward. I take out my wrath on a pillow. Needless to say the supermarket lady knows me pretty well. She yells "pillow boy" as soon as she sees me.